Peanut Butter Jelly Time

Demented and sad, but social

Story time

Once upon a time there was this 18yo boy, by the name of Soldier, who joined the Army and got stationed states away from his home.  Soldier fell in love with a girl by the name of Dumbass.  Soldier and Dumbass were talking about getting married when Soldier was told by the Army to go off to war.  Prior to war, however, Soldier was allowed by the Army to return home to visit with family. 

That was the last time Soldier saw Dumbass for a very, very long time.

He came home and hooked up with another girl by the name of Whore and they got married in the few weeks prior to leaving for war.  When his duty was over, he came back home to his wife and they had a baby boy – Jordan.

Four years after the baby boy was born, Whore decided she didn’t want to be a wife anymore and left Jordan and Soldier.  She visited with Jordan every other weekend while Soldier took care of him all the rest of the time.

The father and son, Soldier and Jordan, were like two peas in a pod and were inseparable for years and years to come.  They had a relationship that others envied. 

Years passed and then one day when Jordan was a teenager, Soldier and Jordan started arguing a lot.  They argued more and more as each day passed until one day Soldier finally agreed to let Jordan go live with his mother, Whore.

Six months after Jordan moved in with his mother, Soldier moved back to the state he was stationed with during his early Army days 16 years prior. Soldier reconnected with Dumbass, the girl he fell in love with during the early Army days and they got married.  Dumbass had two children from two different marriages.

So Soldier and Dumbass and her two children lived happily ever after while his biological son Jordan got deeper and deeper into trouble because he felt that his father abandoned him and because the mother he now lived with let him do as he pleased.

Soldier wanted nothing to do with his son because Jordan wouldn’t listen to anything he said.  Soldier even was heard saying that he wouldn’t allow his own son to even visit because he didn’t want Jordan’s negative influence on his children.

Then one day, before Soldier and Dumbass had been married even a year, they were visited by Soldier’s 18yo niece for a couple weeks.  The niece ended her visit and returned home, but wanted to move in with them.  She wanted a fresh start to life and would leave her 1 yo baby behind. 

The niece was a teenage mom with some problems. She had run away from home for several weeks just prior to announcing her pregnancy.  She was known to abuse drugs and alcohol.  But somehow this negative behavior was OK for Soldier and Dumbass  and Dumbass ‘s two impressionable kids….  All while Soldier’s biological son Jordan, the one with whom he was inseparable for so long, sat at home with feelings of anger and hatred stewing more and more. 

The moral of the story, boys and girls, is that some people just shouldn’t be allowed to have children.

February 29, 2008 Posted by | adolescence, adulthood, bitching, family, life, marriage, motherhood, parents, teens, thoughts | , , , , , , | 6 Comments